Xtremely Wired And Totally Gaga
Amiga Squawk Tones
Xtremely Wired And Totally Gaga
Trash Tapes 08
The fourth A·S·T tape was released in April 1997, it was the first special packed tape and was limited to 100 copies. With that tape A·S·T went totally into Speedcore and Breakcore. We also had some trax with vocals and real guitars on it. In fact A·S·T was a three men act on some trax. One year later A·S·T crashed.
tape released 1997
Black SIDE
A1 Intro
A2 Riot Night
A3 Xtremely wired + totally GaGa
A4 Here comes The PAIN!
A5 SupersoniC HATE
A6 Bullshit Society
A7 Destruction
A8 Soundcheck
A9 Ein Statement!!!
A10 s*t*R*o*N*o*N (Grind-Mix)
BACK side
B1 MikroTest
B2 s*T*r*O*n*O*n
B3 Peace, Love + Harmony
B5 AbiGal Grain
B6 Evil structure
B7 celebrated cHanges
B9 ABC Mix